Shark Measuring System Repair – It’s Our Specialty!

Shark Measuring System Repair

Shark measuring system repair.

Shark measuring system repair is what we do!

We have 4 years experience doing repairs and work with Sharks. We repair probes, cables, beams, cones and any other parts that you might need. Please call 719-238-7190 if you have any questions about our services. We can be reached by email at

We know your shop’s frame repair will suffer if you have problems with your measuring system. Insurance companies are demanding with their time lines.We take pride in our process that makes the repairs go fast. We quickly mail out ready to use parts when we receive your broken parts by mail.

Right now we only offer Shark measuring system repair. This allows us to focus on Shark measuring system repair. This also lets us keep a deep stock of Sharks items ready so we can quickly mail out replacements. In the future we might expand our business to repair and service other brands. We welcome feedback from our customers about new items and services we should offer. We answer our phones 7 days a week so feel free to call any time.

We are a Denver based company but we offer Shark measuring system repair service for the entire United States. Our service area includes Hawaii and Alaska as well. The shipping prices for Hawaii and Alaska typically add $10 – $15 to the shipping fees. If you need quicker shipping such as over night or next day, please call and talk about this with us before shipping off your items. We will include the extra cost of shipping in your order so you can mail a check or pay by phone while or before the order is placed.

We are intent on getting your business and keeping it. We have run our business for 4 years in Colorado but recently have recently expanded to service the entire United States. If there is anything we can do for you or shops you know, please call us and let us know. We are all about service and old fashioned style business and want to be sure you know it. We can’t shake hands with people out of state, but we’d like to do what we can to make you feel like a valued customer.